Friday, January 13, 2012


Facing History and Ourselves is a course designed to help people discover who they are through experiencing and learning about the Holocaust. In addition to discovering who you are, the course also forces you to make the choice between taking action and simply being a bystander. In the beginning of the course students read and analyze short stories, magazine articles and films that make people think about  the choices they make and whether they stand up for what they believe in, even if it leaves them standing alone. This is one of the most important conditions to establish because without being able to stick with your beliefs even if you are alone in your opinion, you will always be a bystander. Bystanders will watch people commit horrible acts, but stay silent. They will not help the victim who is too weak to stand up for themselves. They will conform to other’s ideas and beliefs and throw away their own.  This course also helps to discourage stereotypes by teaching people about the horrible things they can cause, such as the Holocaust. In essence, Facing History and Ourselves teaches people to stand up for what they believe in, take action when they see something they know is not right instead of just being a bystander, and to fight and prevent the use of stereotypes.
I took this course because I had heard great things about the AMAZING teacher and how much it helps people to improve themselves. I have always been interested in the Holocaust and I defiantly think this is the best way to learn about it. I am a senior this year, and next year I am going to school for nursing. I love helping people and making a difference in their lives, which is one of the main reasons I want to go into this career. I have always had a tendency to stand up for people and defend my ideas, even if everyone is telling me I’m wrong. So many people had told me I absolutely had to take this course because it benefits you so much and helps you to take a different perspective of the world. After finishing up the course, I am so glad I listened to everyone and toke it because it has made me even stronger and helped me to gain courage and love myself.

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